Microsoft Office 365
Outlook 메일 상세검색
2018. 8. 24. 11:12
Outlook 및 OWA(Outlook Web App) 에서 메일을 검색할 때 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 명령어입니다.
제가 자주 사용하는 명령어는 아래 정도구요, 다른 옵션들은 아래 Example 을 참고하시면 도움이 되실 것 같네요.
1) subject:보고
- 제목에 "보고" 가 포함된 메일을 검색합니다.
- 제목에 "보고" 가 포함된 메일을 검색합니다.
2) from:홍길동 and attachmentnames:트렌드*
- 보낸사람이 "홍길동" 이고, 첨부파일명이 "트렌드" 로 시작하는 메일을 검색합니다.
3) to:김철수
- 수신자 중 "김철수" 가 포함된 메일을 검색합니다.
4) hasattachment:true
- 첨부파일이 있는 이메일만 검색합니다.
- 보낸사람이 "홍길동" 이고, 첨부파일명이 "트렌드" 로 시작하는 메일을 검색합니다.
3) to:김철수
- 수신자 중 "김철수" 가 포함된 메일을 검색합니다.
4) hasattachment:true
- 첨부파일이 있는 이메일만 검색합니다.
명령어를 조합하여 검색 결과를 좁히는 것은 subject:보고 from:홍길동 hasattachment:true 처럼 함께 입력하여 1칸 띄어쓰기시 and 조합으로 검색이 됩니다.
Keyword queries and search conditions for Outlook Content Search
Property | Property description | Examples | Search results returned by the examples |
AttachmentNames | The names of files attached to an email message. | attachmentnames:annualreport.ppt attachmentnames:annual\* | Messages that have an attached file named annualreport.ppt. In the second example, using the wildcard returns messages with the word "annual" in the file name of an attachment. |
Bcc | The BCC field of an email message.1 | bcc:pilarp bcc:"Pilar Pinilla" | All examples return messages with Pilar Pinilla included in the Bcc field. |
Category | The categories to search. Categories can be defined by users by using Outlook or Outlook Web App. The possible values are: blue green orange purple red yellow | category:"Red Category" | Messages that have been assigned the red category in the source mailboxes. |
Cc | The CC field of an email message.1 | cc:"Pilar Pinilla" | In both examples, messages with Pilar Pinilla specified in the CC field. |
Folderid | The folder ID (GUID) of a specific mailbox folder. If you use this property, be sure to search the mailbox that the specified folder is located in. Note that only the specified folder will be searched. Any subfolders in the folder won't be searched. To search sub-folders, you need to use the Folderid property for the sub-folder you want to search. For more information about searching for the Folderid property and using a script to obtain the folder IDs for a specific mailbox, see Use Content Search in Office 365 for targeted collections. | folderid:4D6DD7F943C29041A65787E30F02AD1F00000000013A0000 folderid:2370FB455F82FC44BE31397F47B632A70000000001160000 AND | The first example returns all items in the specified mailbox folder. The second example return all items in the specified mailbox folder that were sent or received by |
From | The sender of an email message.1 | | Messages sent by the specified user or sent from a specified domain. |
HasAttachment | Indicates whether or not a message has an attachment. Use the values true or false. | AND hasattachment:true | Messages sent by the specified user that have attachments. |
Importance | The importance of an email message, which a sender can specify when sending a message. By default, messages are sent with normal importance, unless the sender sets the importance as highor low. | importance:high importance:medium importance:low | Messages that are marked as high importance, medium importance, or low importance. |
IsRead | Indicates whether or not messages have been read. Use the values trueor false. | isread:true isread:false | The first example returns messages with the IsRead property set to True. The second example returns messages with the IsRead property set to False. |
ItemClass | Use this property to search specific third-party data types that your organization imported to Office 365. Use the following syntax for this property:itemclass:ipm.externaldata.<third-party data type>* | itemclass:ipm.externaldata.Facebook\* AND subject:contoso itemclass:ipm.externaldata.Twitter\* AND from:"Ann Beebe" AND "Northwind Traders" | The first example returns Facebook items that contain the word "contoso" in the Subject property. The second example returns Twitter items that were posted by Ann Beebe and that contain the keyword phrase "Northwind Traders". For a complete list of values to use for third-party data types for the ItemClass property, see Use Content Search to search third-party data that was imported to Office 365. |
Kind | The type of email message to search for. Possible values: contacts docs externaldata faxes im journals meetings microsoftteams (returns items from chats, meetings, and calls in Microsoft Teams) notes posts rssfeeds tasks voicemail | kind:email kind:email OR kind:im OR kind:voicemail kind:externaldata | The first example returns email messages that meet the search criteria. The second example returns email messages, instant messaging conversations, and voice messages that meet the search criteria. The third example returns items that were imported to mailboxes in Office 365 from third-party data sources, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Cisco Jabber, that meet the search criteria. For more information, see Archiving third-party data in Office 365. |
Participants | All the people fields in an email message; these fields are From, To, CC, and BCC.1 | | Messages sent by or sent to The second example returns all messages sent by or sent to a user in the domain. |
Received | The date that an email message was received by a recipient. | received:04/15/2016 received\>=01/01/2016 AND received\<=03/31/2016 | Messages that were received on April 15, 2016. The second example returns all messages received between January 1, 2016 and March 31, 2016. |
Recipients | All recipient fields in an email message; these fields are To, CC, and BCC.1 | | Messages sent to The second example returns messages sent to any recipient in the domain. |
Sent | The date that an email message was sent by the sender. | sent:07/01/2016 sent\>=06/01/2016 AND sent\<=07/01/2016 | Messages that were sent on the specified date or sent within the specified date range. |
Size | The size of an item, in bytes. | size\>26214400 size:1..1048567 | Messages larger than 25??MB. The second example returns messages from 1 through 1,048,567 bytes (1 MB) in size. |
Subject | The text in the subject line of an email message. Note: When you use the Subject property in a query, ???the search returns all messages in which the subject line contains the text you're searching for. In other words, the query doesn't return only those messages that have an exact match. For example, if you search for subject:"Quarterly Financials" , your results will include messages with the subject "Quarterly Financials 2018". | subject:"Quarterly Financials" subject:northwind | Messages that contain the phrase "Quarterly Financials" anywhere in the text of the subject line. The second example returns all messages that contain the word northwind in the subject line. |
To | The To field of an email message.1 | to:annb to:"Ann Beebe" | All examples return messages where Ann Beebe is specified in the To: line. |